Dr Ahmed Suliman

Dr Ahmed Suliman

Dr Ahmed Suliman is an Associate Professor of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine University of Khartoum and an Interventional Cardiologist, at the National Cardiothoracic Center at Al Shab Teaching Hospital. Khartoum, Sudan. He is the Coordinator of Sudan Medical Specialization Board Cardiology Fellowship program. He is a former Secretary General for Sudan Heart society ( February 2012- February 2014) and is a current Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology and of the American College of Physicians
. In addition, Dr Suliman is a co-Director of Africa PCR.

He undertook training in Interventional Cardiology Fellowship at St Vincent’s University Hospital after completing his General Cardiology Training at Sudan Heart Center 2002-2005 and Internal Medicine Fellowship at Mount Sinai School of Medicine Program at Elmhurst Hospital, New York.

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